Horst D. Deckert

The NWO Blueprint Is Out in the Open: Depopulate With Medical Tyranny & Use Replacement Migration to Destroy Civilization — Sunday Night Live

We’ll break down the latest political developments on the open southern border, Democrat efforts to remove Trump and all Republicans from the 2024 ballot, and much more — tune in!

Guest host Chase Geiser lays out the New World Order’s two-pronged plan to destroy society: unleash untold suffering and death using medical tyranny while simultaneously flooding civilization with millions of third world migrants who will unquestioningly obey any of the establishment’s orders.

Watch the live broadcast on X:

🌙#InfowarsSNL: The NWO Blueprint Is Out in the Open: Depopulate With Medical Tyranny & Use Replacement Migration to Destroy Civilization — Sunday Night Live @realchasegeiser

Tune in UNCENSORED: https://t.co/8L209IHXoO https://t.co/TVWX4Vr2Ac

— INFOWARS (@infowars) January 8, 2024

Tune into this live broadcast at MadMaxWorld.TV and spread the word!

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