Horst D. Deckert

‘They Want To Get Us Killed’: Two GOP House Reps, Multiple Conservatives SWATTED Over Christmas Holiday

Deranged leftists send police to influential conservatives’ homes based on false reports in hopes of getting them scared, or killed.

Two Republican U.S. House Representatives and multiple conservative commentators were the targets of swatting efforts over the Christmas holiday.

“Swatting” is a malicious act where false reports of violence are illegally made in bad faith by criminal actors, prompting police to be summoned to one’s home. Perpetrators hope the call leads to an armed confrontation where the swatting victim could potentially be killed or at the very least, left terrified.

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) reported being swatted last Thursday on Dec. 21, and again on Christmas Day, making it her eighth swatting.

I was swatted this morning on Christmas Day and a few days ago – Thursday Dec 21st. we received this death threat where this man is saying I will be shot in the head and skinned to make a “parasol” making a reference to Gein, who was a psychopath killer who would make things out… pic.twitter.com/iW8JvOSJLa

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) December 25, 2023

“I was just swatted. This is like the 8th time,” Rep. Greene described on X. “On Christmas with my family here. My local police are the GREATEST and shouldn’t have to deal with this.”

I was just swatted.

This is like the 8th time.

On Christmas with my family here.

My local police are the GREATEST and shouldn’t have to deal with this.

I appreciate them so much and my family and I are in joyous spirits celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ!

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) December 25, 2023

Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY) also revealed he was swatted on Christmas.

“Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving. They left with homemade cookies and spiced nuts! Merry Christmas everyone!” reported Rep. Williams on Monday.

UPDATE: Capitol Police & local police are investigating the Swatting incident at our home on this Christmas Day.

Thankful for law enforcement working today (& every day). 5 cars responded to our home.

The deputies & troopers were polite, professional, & prompt. God bless them. https://t.co/bGuTPhiH3I

— Rep. Brandon Williams (@RepWilliams) December 25, 2023

Popular pro-Trump conservative X user CatTurd announced he’d been “swatted” on Dec. 22.

I was just swatted again … the local cops are great and know what’s going on now.

All is well at the Catturd ranch.

Still not going to shut up. pic.twitter.com/dtAM2DzQcx

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) December 22, 2023

Human Events editor Jack Posobiec declared his parents had been the victim of a swatting attempt after unknown perpetrators told police Posobiec “had shot [his] wife and sons in the kitchen.”

They told the officers that I had shot my wife and sons in the kitchen

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 25, 2023

It is clear federal law is currently inadequate on swatting incidents whether to schools, public figures, or Members of Congress

Such law must be updated

In addition, Congress must address the total failure of federal law enforcement agencies to deal with these violent threats

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 26, 2023

After producing a video analyzing the MTG and Posobiec swattings, conservative-leaning commentator Styxhexenhammer666 was himself swatted.

Swatting should result in an attempted murder charge and automatic and harsh civil liability. Anyone who engages in it should be both imprisoned and bankrupted.

— Styxhexenhammer666 (@Styx666Official) December 24, 2023

Here’s the video Styx put out prior to being swatted:

So my home was SWATTED earlier- coincidentally the day I made my video on the subject- thanks to the local and state police for calling my mother beforehand and simply doing a basic search and not hauling off and bashing down the door. Also thank you for recording the call. It’ll…

— Styxhexenhammer666 (@Styx666Official) December 26, 2023

Styx also produced a subsequent video post-swatting, declaring, “Leftists tried to swat my home and failed like the scum they are.”

As conservative commentator Joey Mannarino put it, “They want to get us killed. Literally. This is who we’re fighting against.”

The Leftists swatted both Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Rep. Brandon Williams of New York on Christmas Day.

They swatted @JackPosobiec’s family and @Catturd2 on the 23rd.

They want to get us killed. Literally.

This is who we’re fighting against.

— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) December 25, 2023

An ABC News video report from 2019 detailed the 20-year prison sentence of serial ‘swatter’ Tyler Barriss, whose false report caused police to fatally shoot an innocent man.

So 2 high-profile X users were Swatted earlier. It reminds me of this one case from a few years ago. Don’t swat. It’s not funny for anybody. pic.twitter.com/5OkBzoCgO1

— Marauder Magazine (@MarauderMag) December 25, 2023

It remains to be seen whether those responsible for these heinous crimes, endangering and disrupting the lives of many, will ever be brought to justice.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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