Horst D. Deckert

Two-Tiered Justice: Man Faces $100,000 Bond After Breaking Into Home of Pro-Bail Reform L.A. Mayor


Burglary suspect faces $100,000 bail, as activists highlight Bass has previously supported bail reform.

Social media users are crying foul after an intruder who broke into the home of Democrat Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is set to face the full weight of the law, while burglars of other residences are treated more leniently.

This is the second break-in at Bass’s residence in as many years, and she and her family were home at the time of the attempted burglary.

ABC7.com has more on the incident that occurred Sunday morning, and how the suspect will be held on a whopping $100,000 bail, while Bass herself has supported the unsuccessful Democrat policy of bail reform:

LAPD officials say the intruder broke in through a glass door. LAPD officers responded and quickly took the suspect into custody without incident.

Sunday evening, LAPD identified the suspect as Ephraim Matthew Hunter, 29, of Los Angeles. He was booked for burglary. Records indicated he was being held on $100,000 bail.

Bass was home when the male intruder broke in, law enforcement officials told ABC News. An alarm was activated at the home and a large LAPD presence responded, including air support and the mayor’s security detail. The suspect was arrested within minutes of the call.

Activist Kevin Dalton, a former California resident, highlighted the disparity in charges for the Bass burglary suspect and perpetrators of similar crimes elsewhere in the city, labeling it “special treatment.”

Is Law & Order returning to Los Angeles?

-Suspect breaks into a home
-Immediate & overwhelming police response
-Nonviolent criminal in jail on $100,000 bail

What changed?
Oh, I see. It’s just special treatment for Karen Bass… pic.twitter.com/rnEitU86b0

— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) April 22, 2024

Dalton later joined Fox News to discuss the burglary, captioning an X post highlighting his appearance, “Next time you are the victim of a property crime in Los Angeles, be sure to let the 911 operator know you identify as Karen Bass and you would like the same special treatment she gets.”

Next time you are the victim of a property crime in Los Angeles, be sure to let the 911 operator know you identify as Karen Bass and you would like the same special treatment she gets. pic.twitter.com/Njh7b4N5ER

— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) April 22, 2024

As pointed out by prominent X user @EndWokeness, Bass has repeatedly pushed for bail reform, but that seems to go out the window if she’s the victim.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass just had her house burglarized today. Again.

I feel zero sympathy for any politician who supported policies to “CUT THE PRISON POPULATION IN HALF” (bail reform). pic.twitter.com/DLxDNOBSIz

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 22, 2024

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