Horst D. Deckert

“Unified Reich” Hoax Exposed: Latest Anti-Trump Media Attack Dead On Arrival


Democrats, RINOs and MSM join forces in pushing “Trump is a Nazi” propaganda

Mainstream media, Democrat politicians, and anti-Trump RINOs simultaneously pushed a misleading hit piece against presidential frontrunner Donald Trump this week.

From Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to nearly every major news outlet, the entire establishment claimed the Trump campaign used Hitlerian language in a recent advertisement.

ABC News told viewers Trump was “under fire for a video he posted on social media that used language from Nazi Germany.”

The news report claimed the Trump video contained “references to Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler.”

Donald Trump is openly copying Hitler’s Nazi language about a “unified reich” and warning about “poisoning the blood” of America, and people are still acting like this is a normal election.


— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) May 21, 2024

The phrase “unified reich” can be seen in the campaign video, which was shared by a staffer to Trump’s social media page and has since been deleted.

However, in the same segment, ABC admitted other parts of the video feature references to World War 1, showing the term “unified reich” was not referring to WWII and the Nazi Party.

The ridiculous news segment continued to allege the term “globalists” is “an antisemitic slur.”

Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt issued a statement, explaining, “This was not a campaign video; it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word (reich), while the president was in court.”

Furthermore, internet sleuths found the original template used by the “random” internet user and learned the text in question was stock and came with the layout.

See the original template below:

The “Unified Reich” hoax is the latest chapter in a long-running series of misinformation campaigns by democrats and the media.

Below is the widely available motion graphics template that the media is pretending the Trump campaign made in-house then published.

Nobody on the… pic.twitter.com/g3z6uBjqtJ

— 🐺 (@LeighWolf) May 21, 2024

Continuing the propaganda crusade at all costs, an MSNBC guest told viewers the phrase was not included by mistake, saying, “These aren’t accidents. This isn’t like the guy getting the wrong stock footage from Getty or wherever. They went looking for this stuff and they used it!”

“They want this kind of world for America. These aren’t accidents.”

The backlash continues after Donald Trump shared a video referencing a “unified Reich.” @Dr_CMGreer and @reedgalen join @SRuhle to discuss. pic.twitter.com/YYlMHdBwh3

— 11th Hour (@11thHour) May 22, 2024

The “unified reich” mentioned in the non-official Trump promo was the Second Reich of Germany that ended with World War 1 in the 1918 November Revolution, nearly twenty years before WWII.

It’s also worth noting “reich” simply means empire or realm, so a unified empire would literally equate to a more united America.

Despite the fact the promotional video had nothing to do with Nazi Germany, Joe Biden released a highly-edited video claiming Trump used “Hitler’s language.”

Donald Trump posted an ad echoing the language of Nazi Germany.

He only cares about holding on to power.

I care about you. pic.twitter.com/XSmGKaQhJ1

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 21, 2024

Kamala Harris also responded to the video, telling a Philadelphia convention crowd on Tuesday, “Just yesterday, the former president of the United States, who praises dictators, who said there were ‘very fine people on both sides’ in Charlottesville — let’s not forget — took to social media and highlighted language from Nazi Germany.”

Expect more overhyped stories like this as the 2024 election cycle heats up since the feeble Democrat candidate Joe Biden cannot win on a level playing field.

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