Horst D. Deckert

Video: Man Teaches Lifestyle That Strikes Fear In The Globalists

This is what the elite want to take away from humanity

In a viral video online, a man teaches viewers how they can easily create their own self-sufficient homestead on just one acre of land.

What you can do with a one-acre homestead pic.twitter.com/7Kt0FPigQg

— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) April 25, 2024

The property has a 500 square foot garden and 1,000 square feet for produce, along with a 10 tree permaculture orchard co-planted with root vegetables.

The man planted greens underneath the trees and grew berries covering the fencing of the area.

The home has chickens, rabbits, goats, bees, fish and plants living in aquaculture tanks filled water supplied by a rain-catching tank.

Sunflowers to sell and mints and lavender for essential oils are next on the guy’s list.

“This is revolutionary! This is what the corporate scum fears!” Alex Jones commented on X.

This is revolutionary! This is what the corporate scum fears! https://t.co/jGwM3s19wX

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 25, 2024

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