Horst D. Deckert

Watch: Pro-Trump Union Worker Has Vulgar Message For Sleepy Joe Biden

‘F*** you!’ is all the man had to say.

A video clip going viral online shows the moment a New York union worker bluntly told a news reporter exactly what he thinks of Joe Biden.

Reporter: “What’s your message to Joe Biden?”

Union Worker: “Fuck You.”


— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) April 25, 2024

News outlets were covering a Manhattan appearance by Donald Trump, who was speaking with local union workers on Thursday.

“What’s it like seeing so many Republicans in Manhattan, so many Trump supporters in Manhattan? Does that surprise you?” the reporter asked a hard hat-wearing worker.

“No, not at all,” the interviewee said. “It’s turning now. It’s Trump’s turn again.”

The reporter then asked, “What’s your message to Joe Biden?”

“Fuck you!” the worker angrily replied before walking away.

Also during the Trump NYC union visit, the city’s union leader Bobby Bartels claimed the majority of union workers he knows are supporting the 45th President in his 2024 run against Joe Biden.

NEW: New York union leader Bobby Bartels says most of his Union workers are Democrats but they are supporting Trump in 2024.

Bartels said he conducted a poll of his 9,000 members and Trump is leading Biden 3 to 1.

“In the past, we are basically Democrats, all of us. And after… pic.twitter.com/eOSx2jhjhK

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 25, 2024

Meanwhile, at a union event in Washington, D.C., Biden committed yet another mental gaffe by reading the word “pause” on his teleprompter.

NEW: Biden reads every word on the teleprompter including the word “pause” during a national trade union conference speech.

“Imagine what we could do next? 4 more years… pause!”

Americans are increasingly worried about Biden’s mental state going into the election.

According… pic.twitter.com/ItzIeuPK1m

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 24, 2024

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