Horst D. Deckert

Democrat Warns Trump Will Secure Border With Alligator Moats, Bombing Mexico, Spiked & Electrified Fences — MAGA Praises Plan!

“If Trump actually did these things he’d be elected president for life,” user points out.

A Democrat lawmaker mocked former President Donald Trump’s over-the-top proposals to secure the border but in so doing bolstered his support on social media.

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) portrayed Trump as a border security hardliner, claiming he would pull all the stops to keep the border closed, including building alligator-infested moats and installing electrified fencing.

“I want to remind the public that Trump and House Republicans also have their own ideas for the border. Let’s review the majority’s border ideas that they’ve actually presented,” Garcia began during a House Oversight Committee hearing last week.

“Donald Trump has actually said he wants to build alligator moats along the border. That’s one of his incredible ideas. Another idea that Donald Trump has promoted is that he wants to electrify the border fence and maybe even put some spikes on the border.”

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA): “The Donald Trump and MAGA plan for the border: Alligator moats, bombing northern Mexico, shooting migrants in the legs, and electrifying the fence and putting spikes on them.” pic.twitter.com/XkMaQQxNZr

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 30, 2024

“Another idea, which I’m not sure how well it would go, is he wants to bomb northern Mexico with missiles,” he continued.

“And finally, I think one of the ones that I think is the most grotesque is the suggestions that instead we should just shoot migrants in the legs as they cross the border,” Garcia added.

“So once again, the Donald Trump and MAGA plan is alligator moats, bombing northern Mexico, shooting migrants in the legs, and electrifying the fence and putting spikes on them. That is the Donald Trump border plan,” he concluded.

The “inhumane” proposals were well-received on X amid the open-border crisis that saw record numbers of illegal aliens cross into the U.S. in December.

If Trump actually did these things he’d be elected president for life. https://t.co/cRz8uODWti

— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) January 30, 2024

Thanks for the free campaign ad, Rep. Garcia! pic.twitter.com/Cgx8GEnJqv

— Still Boneless (@still_boneless) January 30, 2024

I’m already supporting Trump!

He didn’t have to convince me.

— Jeremy Carl (@realJeremyCarl) January 30, 2024

Is he saying that like it’s a bad thing?

— Washingtons ghost (@hartgoat) January 30, 2024

I already support Trump, no need to sweeten the deal

— Iggy Normus Jr. (@JrNormus) January 30, 2024

We didn’t say any of that, but damn you got some good ideas homie.

— Aleksandr Miguel ?? Đ (@AnothahWon) January 30, 2024

He forgot the sharks with laser beams

— Stephen Schutt (@schuttsm) January 30, 2024

I was good with the wall…but now I want this.

— Ron Bowhay (@ronbowhay) January 30, 2024

I’d actually support all of that but we can start simply with a double-barrier wall. Immediately deport all foreigners who are apprehended in between the barriers.

— Atlanta Conservative (@AtlantaConserv1) January 30, 2024

I support all of those things (especially the alligators) if the only alternative is an open border.

But I suspect there is a sane solution with no alligators and no open borders. https://t.co/7kpjZE4Tz2

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 30, 2024

Not a bad idea with alligator pic.twitter.com/PiD77yzMue

— Elon Musk Citizen Journalist (Parody) (@xcitizenjournal) January 30, 2024

Rep. Robert Garcia (D) just brought this out in middle of a Congressional hearing

Is… is he trying to get Trump reelected? pic.twitter.com/gBC4xfyIEK

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 30, 2024

The Democrats are adorable. They are constantly making Trump more popular, thinking they are doing the opposite.

Hell yeah we want a gator moat. Let’s get some bullsharks in there too, strap some laser-beams to their heads. Full send. https://t.co/fknPwQ7QhX

— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) January 30, 2024

The New York Times in 2019 claimed Trump suggested the alligator idea in private meetings, along with shooting migrants in the legs to prevent them from crossing the southern border and electrifying the border wall and putting spikes on it.

Trump has denied ever considering a border moat.

This comes as Senate Republicans and Democrats are working on a border deal that would allow 5,000 illegal aliens to enter the U.S. daily — or 1.8 million a year.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) assured that proposal would be dead on arrival in the House.

Watch Garcia’s full remarks:

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